About Me
Hello and welcome to my site!
My name is William Turner, and I am a resident of the California Bay Area (Oakland, Berkeley, SF). I have been studying the Vedic sciences for many years now, having been first introduced to this Hindu system of astrology in my early twenties. I originally studied, and worked as an IT professional, helping small businesses and individuals, however I soon discovered this was not my true love. I very much enjoy being of service to people, and helping however I can, but more and more I discovered that computer issues, are often times fated, and some fates are far more difficult in this regard than others. More than several dozen times in my computer work, have I shown up to a problem computer, and the issue which was thoroughly shown to others, was no where to be found. I've also had clients who's computer troubles simply refused to permanently go away, despite taking many actions including replacing the computer. Believe it or not, electronics and indeed everything around us, is affected by our destiny and/or energy. Having come to terms with this amazing truth, I sought the best tool around to understand destiny, and that tool is Vedic Astrology. My teacher and colleague is Dr. Barry Friedman, a well-accomplished psychotherapist, and a brilliant Vedic Astrologer, residing here in the Bay Area. Barry has practiced astrology for more then thirty years, and still together we continue to unravel the profound mysteries of Jyotisha. Our lineage of teacher and student, dates back to the great seer Parasara. We continue to learn techniques that contribute to both our astrology practices regularly. You can find Barry at his website: adityasvedicastrology.com I am also continually cultivating relationships with other service providers, specifically Ayurveda health experts, and gemstone experts and setters, in order to provide my clients with the best options towards dealing with the difficult karmas we all have. Life is difficult, but not impossible, and together we can figure out the best course to steer towards. Feel free to give me a call, (510)599-6949, or send an email. I look forward to reading your chart! |